Valentine's Day Outfit

Hey everybody! I hope you all had a good week and are looking forward to a spectacular weekend + Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays, and whether you're going for a night out with your special someone or spending an evening with your girls, it's always fun to dress up in festive outfits. Here is my Valentine's Day themed outfit!

coat - Target //
sweater - Target //
jeans - Kohls //
shoes - gift //

This outfit is pretty toned down with just a pop of red in the shoes, but the heart sweater makes this a great look for Valentine's Day. This is a good outfit for a date night out because the black and grey make for a sleek look but still themed and festive.

What are you doing for Valentine's Day?

When February Comes Around...

1. I've recently gotten back into letter writing and I don't know why I ever stopped! There's something so satisfying about writing a letter to a friend rather than just a quick text to say hello. It's so much more meaningful. Snail mail is the way to go. :)

2. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays, which is funny because I've never had a boyfriend to spend the day with. Instead, I spend it with a bunch of my girlfriends, having a girls night out and then a sleepover watching chick flicks and eating junk food. I love dressing up in valentine's themed outfits, with red + pink + purple, aaaannnd of course hearts everywhere. Plus those candy hearts are my favorite things ever. Seriously, I cannot stop eating them.

3. We went to Winter Jam this month! Even though I only liked a couple of the bands there this year, I still enjoyed going with family and friends. Waiting in line and eating snacks, walking around the venue during my not-so-favorite bands and looking for people we know, singing as loud as I can- these things are always fun.

4. Lately I've been obsessed with documentaries. Netflix has a ton of great ones! I always find them interesting and, a lot of the time, inspiring. I also always feel like I'm learning something. Watching The Truth Behind; Bigfoot may not be the most educational or inspiring thing to do... But that's all in the eye of the beholder, right?

What did you do this month?