My Christmas Playlist (Songs to get you Into the Christmas Spirit)

I don't know about you all, but personally I love Christmas music. It's makes me happy. :) And I thought I'd share with you all my favorite Christmas songs and albums, ones that never fail to get me into the Christmas Spirit.

  • Sounds of the Season: The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection (album)
I remember getting this several years ago. My older sister and brother in law surprised us with a Christmas Tree and this album, and it's become a sort of tradition to listen to it (multiple times) during the Christmas season.
  • Christmas by Rebecca St. James (album)
My family and I listened to this a lot as a child, and it's still a family favorite.
  • Christmas by Micheal Buble (album)
Because you can't really go wrong with Micheal Buble.
  • Last Christmas by Wham
Something about this song.... It's so perfectly cheesy and never fails to make me happy.
  • Step Into Christmas by Elton John
I'm not exactly sure why I like this song so much, but it's super light and fun, which is good.
  • All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey
My siblings and I find this song super fun to screech sing along with.

What are your favorite Christmas songs? Please let me know, I'd love to listen to them!

What I Wore // Flannel Button Down

Hey guys! How was your week? Mine has been super busy; we had some close friends over for a few days, I went to a local Christmas pageant with my family (it's sort of become a tradition), my siblings and I hosted our annual Christmas dance, and I joined my family in setting up our Christmas tree. 

I got this blue flannel button down at Target on Black Friday for 40% off. I was really happy because I was in much need of a good flannel button-down. I've been experimenting with different ways to wear it and these two outfits are a couple that I liked.

t-shirt -- Walmart // cardigan & button down -- Target // necklace -- hand-me-down

I think this second one is my favorite; it's a bit more put-together. 

t-shirt & button down -- Target // necklace -- hand-me-down

What are some of your favorite ways to wear a button down, flannel or otherwise? I would love to hear your ideas! 

DIY: Tiny Tassel Necklace

Hello my friends! With the Christmas season here at last I've been in quite a crafty mood and wanted to make some little Christmas gifts for my friends, and I thought I would share this one with you!

 photo 5d82712a-04d0-401c-973e-84f30d23b1e2_zpsa005fbc4.jpg

You will need:

  • Embroidery thread of choice color
  • Chain
  • Jump ring
  • Hot glue/hot glue gun
  • Straight and skinny stick (You can probably find one around the house somewhere. I used a DumDum lollipop.)
  • Paper plate, or newspapers, or something to protect your surface from hot glue
  • Scissors 

Step 1: Choose your color of thread and start wrapping it around your fingers. For a tassel of approximately 1 1/3 inches long wrap it around three fingers- that's what I did. The more fingers you have the bigger the tassel.

I wrapped it around my fingers around 20 times, give or take a few. Just do it until it looks good to you!

Make sure both of your ends are on the bottom, like so:

Step 2: Slide your stick thing into the loops.

Step 3: Tie a piece of thread of the same color around the top of your tassel, right by the stick, and loop it around a few times. Tie it again. Cut it off, but leave several inches on it.

Step 4: Stick a thread of the same color through the loops at the top.

5. Next your going to put a thin strip of hot glue on about 3/4 an inch of the exsess that you left in step 3. Wrap it around your tassel to glue it into place. Continue wrapping to cover up any exposed hot glue.

Step 6: Cut the bottom of your loop to get tassels!

Step 7: Trim the ends so that they're even.

Step 6: Tie the two ends coming out of the top of your tassel together and trim the ends. Add a jump ring to it and put it on your chain.

And you're done!

I really hoped you enjoyed this! Sorry if it was a bit confusing- It was my first tutorial evah! Of course, there are a lot more tutorials on how to make tassels. I got my inspiration from here. I did mine a bit differently though.

Extra tip: If you're doing a two-finger tassel, it might be difficult to do step 4. To solve this problem, before sliding your loops off of your stick, hot glue the thread you are threading your tassel onto to the end of the stick.

And THEN slide it off.

Easy peasy! Please, let me know what you thought of this tutorial. :)
Disclaimer- I do not necessarily condone everything on the website(s) I linked to.