Favorite Posts of 2015

A lot if people do those 'a year in review' posts, which are great! But I decided to do something a little different. One of the best things about blogging is reading great blogs and getting to know the awesome authors behind them. And I think something that is really important is commenting and sharing posts! Let's all support each other and help each other to grow! Today I'm going to share with you all my favorite posts of 2015. I hope you enjoy!

I hope you guys enjoy these and have a great 2016! Happy New Year! 

Christmas Recap + Haul (+Video!)

Hey ya'll! I hope everybody had a marvelous Christmas! Today I want to recap my Christmas. Everybody has their own different Christmas traditions and I love hearing about them, so today I decided to share mine!

Christmas eve is when we have our Christmas dinner with the whole family. I have a pretty large family (six kids!), so every year my siblings and I do a gift exchange between us, including my brother in law, and, this year, my sisters boyfriend too! This way we don't have to buy a gift for everyone (which could get expensive!) but we're sure everyone gets a gift. On Christmas Eve we open those gifts and then our parents always get us pajamas. Every Christmas eve we all get new pajamas and then we take family photos in them.

We were pretending to be American Eagle models... 

We also gave the gift that all of us kids got for my Mom and Dad... Twenty One Pilots tickets! My mom especially loves them and her reaction when we gave them to her was priceless.

Christmas morning, we get up around 7:30am and open presents! After that we cook breakfast (usually biscuits and gravy) and then we just be lazy the rest of the day and play  games and eat leftovers from the night before. This year we watched Star Wars episodes 4, 5, and 6. Not sure why we chose to do that (it's not very Chrismassy!!) but it was a ton of fun.

And this post is exciting also because.... I filmed my first video!! I've been wanting to do one for quite awhile now and I hope to do more! Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this and any suggestions for more videos to do, I would really appreciate it!

Let me know in the comments what you got for Christmas and what you gave!

xx, Ashley

Cozy Christmas

Christmas is coming up (eeeekkk) and it's time to start thinking about what you'll wear! Christmas morning I usually like to just stay all comfy + cozy in my pajamas. (Raise your hand if you're like me!) But if you want to be a little bit more dressed up (because let's face it. Mom is going to be taking pictures) a good alternative is a comfy oversized sweater.

sweater - borrowed from my brother // scarf - hand-me-down

This outfit feels like pajamas but has more style to it. To copy this look just wear a big, warm sweater and a cozy, stylish scarf!

Merry Christmas everybody!

5 Unique and Inexpensive Gifts

Christmas is coming up and it's time to start your shopping. Christmas shopping is super fun and one of the best things ever, but it can also be really hard! I thought I would suggest a few things that will make really cute gifts for both girls and guys. These things are unique and inexpensive (because, let's face it, Christmas is hard on your wallet).

Click on photos to purchase

1. Venus Fly Trap

Venus Fly Trap Plant - Carnivorous - 3" Clay Pot

Seriously, who would not love this?

2. Lucky Charms Marshmallows

Hoosier Hill Farm Charms Cereal Marshmallows, 1 Pound

I think that everybody has wished for this at one time or another.

3. Socks

I know that it's kind of a thing to dread getting socks for Christmas, but you can get really cute/cozy ones that make great gifts. 

4. Teacup

Got a tea drinker in your life? This gift is perfect and so cute. You can get a nice to-go mug instead for a man in your life.

5. Chocolate Covered Bacon

Marini's Candies Milk Chocolate Covered Bacon 1/4 lb. Gift Box

Okay, so at first you were like 'ew!' But now you're a little bit intrigued.

I hope this post gave a you a few ideas for your Christmas shopping endeavors. Merry Christmas everybody!  

Autumn Dress + Update

dress - thrifted // belt - came with a skirt from target // cardi - target // socks - borrowed // shoes - second hand shop // tights - target

Hello everybody! I'm sorry about the lack of posts lately; I've been super duper busy lately and haven't had any time to blog. I have exciting news- my baby nephew was born! His name is Ezra and he's cute as a button. Unfortunately, he has some problems; nothing serious or life threatening, thank the Lord, but enough to keep him in the hospital for several weeks. We've been babysitting my other nephew and my niece so that their parents can be at the hospital with the baby, and we've been going to the hospital almost every day so the kids can see their parents. 
All this busyness has been taking a toll on my blog. You may not have noticed, though, because I've never been very consistent with blog posts anyway. During Christmas break I was hoping to work hard on creating an arsenal of blog posts; however, now it seems like that time will be spent catching up on some homework! So at least for now, there may be gaps in between my posts. Hopefully it won't be too different from normal though. ;)

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the rest of Autumn! With luck, I'll talk to you soon. 


Instagram | 8 Tips to be a Boss 'Grammer (Guest Post)

Hey lovelies! Today Sophia from Someplace in the Midst is guest posting. I'm so excited for you all to read her post! Sophia is awesome, you all should go follow her right now because you need her blog in your life. I hope you all enjoy her post as much as I did!

I'm Sophia (sometimes called Sophie or Soph) from the blog someplaceinthemidst.blogspot.com.
Ashley so kindly asked if I would share some instagram tips for all of you. Believe me, I am NO expert. I use instagram mainly for fun, but here are a few tips I've picked up over the years. Haha, just kidding, it hasn't been that long since I got instagram.

1. Brightness and Contrast are your bffs.
If I could use only two tools for editing my photos, it would be brightness and contrast. Brighter and sharper pictures are always more eye catching.

2. Don't go over board with filters.
Please trust me. Natural and beautiful pictures are the way to go. Just look at a "pro's" instagram and see. They are filled with bright, colorful, but not necessarily filtered photos.

3. Natural light is your (other) bff.
Natural light is the sun, in case you were wondering. It's just so much prettier than florescent or what I like to call "fake" light. It's also so much more flattering on people.

4. Post pictures of real life.
I don't want to see your lotion collection. I don't want to see a picture of a tropical island that you obviously snapshotted off of pinterest. I want to see YOU and YOUR LIFE and real things that you do. For example: your family. Your sunset. Your campfire. Your friends. Your smile.

5. Leave pretty comments on people's instagram pictures.
Best way to gain a following? Be nice. Always be nice. People may or may not notice if you like their pictures, but if you leave a comment, they'll be 25% more likely to follow you back. I just made that statistic up in my head. Don't quote me on that. :)

6. Don't be afraid to ask for FFF!!
Ah yes. Follow for Follow. Here's the thing. Lot's of people ask me for FFFs. I almost always follow them back. Most bloggers will do that too. Don't be ashamed to ask! It's sometimes a great way to connect with other bloggers. And just random people on instagram.

7. Make your account public.
Personally, I wouldn't post anything on a private account that you wouldn't want the world to see, because there's always a chance something could make it out into the world even if you post it privately. Plus, people will be much more likely to follow you. I'm just saying.

8. Learn from the pros.
My favorite ‘grammers? @carlycristman and @thefreckledfox. Both of their feeds are clean and happy. I love it so much!!

Well, what do you guys look for in instagram feeds? Who are your favorite instagrammers??
Let me know and come chat with me on instagram @thesophiafulton.blog or on my blog at someplaceinthemidst.blogspot.com


(ps: ‘grammer is short for instagrammer.)

My Five Favorite Instagram Accounts

Follow me on Instagram- @thriftytoppings

Instagram is a recent obsession of mine, and I think it's a great way to document things that you want to remember in an artistic way. It's almost like a mini blog, and I think they are so fun to read through. I love seeing people's everyday lives portrayed artistically. Here are five of my favorite Instagram accounts:

1. @kenziefaith
Kenzie has such great style and I seriously want her entire wardrobe. She's also an amazing photographer. Her Instagram is beautiful, and man does this girl know how to play with light + shadows!

2. @itsjustgaby94
Gaby is the photographer over at Bramblewood Fashion, and her Insta feed is absolutely perfect. She has a gorgeous color scheme going on and amazing fashion sense.

3. @maggieroyce
Seriously ladies, you will never be too old to love pink. Maggie seriously gets that and her feed is filled with perfectly pink adorable-ness.

4. @madisonlanders
Some of the most inspirational captions, prettiest photography, and gorgeous outfit pictures. Madison's feed is beautiful and one to follow for sure!

5. @thesophiafulton.blog
Sophia has some seriously beautiful, minimalistic photos. Her feed is so clean and gorgeous. (Pssst, coming soon on Thrifty Toppings- Sophia is going to share her Instagram tips with us!)

What are some of your favorite Instagram accounts/your own Instagram account? Let me know in the comments below- I'd love to check them out!

Currently Wishing For

1. Lace-up Wedge Ankle Booties
This pin is what got me started wanting red booties. How great for Fall and the Holiday season would these be? I would love to wear them with an outfit of black and grey for a pop of color.

2. CamelBak Water Bottle
I don't know about you guys, but I seriously don't like to drink tap water at all- filtered water just tastes so, so much better! And guys, this water bottle has a filter built in. How cool is that? I've been realizing that I need a new, good water bottle that I can have with me during volleyball practices + games. This one totally fits the bill and it's also super sleek and shiny!

3. FujiFilm Camera
How cute is this Polaroid-esque camera? It looks like so much fun. A little out of my price range right now, but it's definitely on my wishlist.

4. Turquoise Statement Necklace
I've been needing a statement necklace for sure, and this one is beautiful and has gorgeous colors.

5. Floral Print Socks
Floral socks are so cute in my opinion, and these are no exception. I absolutely adore the color scheme of blue on black.

What has been on your wishlist lately?

Disclaimer- this post is not sponsored. All opinions are my own. I do not necessarily condone everything on the website(s) I've linked to. 

Re-Styling Dresses+Sweet Sixteen Recap

Two weeks ago I had my sweet sixteen party. For a long time wasn't sure whether or not I wanted to have one, but in the end I did and it was a lot of fun! For my birthday my sister bought me a dress that I ended up wearing for my birthday party, and I thought I would show ya'll how I wear a dress two ways and also, for those of you who are interested, a recap of my birthday party!

Our pear tree needed picking, and I can't believe how incredibly blessed I am to have friends who are willing to pause a birthday party and help out with yard work. Having all of them pitching in made it so much more fun and it went 10x faster. 

I love setting off paper lanterns, and even when I had no idea what I was doing for my party I knew I wanted there to be be paper lanterns there. Turns out I'm a genius because setting them off was so crazy fun. 

group phootoooooooooooo

And of course there's gotta be a picture of the food. 

I love this dress because it's a Summer dress but can so easily be layered for Fall, and it can be dressed up or down just like that *snaps fingers*. It's basically a perfect LBD.

cardigan - target // dress - charmin charlie // tights - target // shoes - famous footwear // nail polish - sinful colors you goji

How would you style this dress? What's your most memorable or favorite birthday?

Autumn Bucket List

Happy first day of Fall everybody! I don't know about you all, but for me, Autumn is the season when I feel most inspired to create things and do fun stuff. Here is my 'bucket list' of some things that I hope to do this season!

   1. Try something new!

What better time to try something new than when all the leaves are getting rid of the old and making way for the new. I think Fall is the perfect time to do something you've always wanted to but were maybe too afraid to try? This can be anything- joining a Christmas pageant, making a new friend, wearing funky clothes- I'll probably try a new hairstyle.

   2. Make apple pie


    3. Embrace your inner hipster

Or prepster, or hippie- whatever little fashion voice is inside you trying to get out for just one day!

  4. Enjoy the view

Fall is a truly beautiful season. Why not make the most out of it by going to a look-out-point and enjoying it? 

   5. Sew something

Okay, okay, so not everybody likes to sew. I've barely sewn at all in my life time, but it can be really fun! It doesn't have to be anything big, like a dress- it can be something small, like a pair of mittens for your friend.

   6. Try dark lipstick

Autumn is the best time to try dark lipstick. 

   7. Have an adventure-and vlog it! 

Adventure is in the eye of the beholder. Do something- anything- and vlog it so you will remember!

   8. Jump in a pile of leaves

Why pass up an opportunity to jump in a pile of leaves? Remember to bag them up afterwards so they don't kill your grass.

What's on your Fall Bucket List?


Hello my lovelies! I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I wanted to do a lately post for you all to catch you up on what I've been up to lately. Sometimes I have trouble getting across what I'm thinking in a blog post, so I feel like there's a lot I could be sharing but it just never happens when I'm writing outfit posts. And I want this blog to be more personal and for you all to know who I am. I heard a tip once that was something along the lines of, 'write like you're talking to a friend in a coffee shop.' That's a pretty fabulous thought!

So without further adieu here's my life lately.

1. I mentioned in my last post that I started volleyball! This is my first time ever playing. I've always wanted to do something like this but was always very intimidated to do so because other girls have been playing it for years and I'd be such a newb. But two of my friends who have also never played decided to join a team this year and asked me to join them. I couldn't be happier that I said yes! It's a lot of hard work, practice is tough and they make you run laps. Uuuggh. That's one of the downsides of it for sure! But, it's also a really, really, fun sport and I always leave practices and games happy, even if I'm hot and sweaty and even if we lost. I love my teammates and I've gotten to know my two friends who invited me a whole lot better because of volleyball!

2. Fall is coming. I know it's so cliche, but guys. I love fall. Something about it gives me such happy feels. I adore chilly weather. And cozy sweaters are my jam... I wore one once this Summer, with shorts. Sometimes I just can't stand to wait until it's cool enough, you know? Also Fall has so many happy events that go with it. My family always goes camping with our homeschool group. We've been going since I was a baby, so I have memories from it as far back as I remember. I've grown very attached to the campground that we always go to because it was such a big part of my childhood. I love camping. Something about waking up early to the smell of smoke and the sounds of early morning and putting three sweatshirts on because you're cold. What could be better?

3. I turned sixteen! My birthday was Tuesday and it was spent playing volleyball followed by taco bell, then after the long drive home my siblings and I decided to drive to Dollar General and get movie watching snacks. It was also my dad's birthday, so we also bought him a present that consisted of different kinds of candy because what else could he want besides that? Tomorrow is my birthday party, and I'm getting pretty excited + nervous. I'm happy that a bunch of my friends are coming to celebrate my sweet sixteen with me but I'm also not a big fan of too much attention, and having a bunch of people over specifically to celebrate me is making me kind of anxious. Like, do I have to do the thing where we sit in a circle and everyone watches me open presents? (I told everyone I didn't want anything but I know of at least a few that are ignoring me. Ugh, generous people. Who needs 'em right?)

party supplies + tissue paper flowers for decoration 

Well, that's all for now, dears. I hope you enjoyed this little insight into my life! Congratulations if you even made it all the way to the end. ;) Until next time,

-Ashley xx

Sweater Dress

dress - thrift store // shoes - second hand shop // ring - hand me down // earrings - f21 

Do you ever find a piece of clothing that is just absolutely perfect? That's how I feel about this dress. My mother and I were going to have dinner with our family and some friends, and we went to the thrift store on a whim to buy dresses. (Oh and in case you were wondering, we had Indian food and it turns out that I don't like Indian food like I thought I would.) I tried on this dress and even though it was too warm to wear it that day I bought it anyway because I just loved it. It made me think of something Zooey Deschanel would wear, and my sister said it looked like a mix of Zooey Deschanel + Jojo from Horton Hears a Who. (I took it as a compliment.) I wore to bible study with some girlfriends on Saturday. We had cinnamon rolls + strawberry shortcake and talked about our lives. Sometimes the bible study part of bible study doesn't actually happen, but it's still a good time to bond with each other and give each other biblical advice and encourage each other and all that good stuff. Also! Last Thursday I had my first ever volleyball practice! I've never played any sports on a team before. I think it's going to be a great experience.

What have you been doing lately? 

Wearing Vintage in a Modern Way

Hey dolls! I hope you've had a lovely Saturday. A few days ago I went vintage shopping with my sister and when I tried on this dress we both liked it so much that she offered to buy it for me (she's insanely awesome like that). I immediately started thinking up ways to style it and I asked her how she thought I could wear it without looking costume-y. She told me I should try pairing it with more modern accessories. Well, that's what I tried doing here. Of course, it's a vintage dress so it's not going to look totally modern but I just wanted to make it look a bit more normal. :) It's not that there's anything wrong with looking straight out of an era, in fact I like that too, but that's just not what I wanted this time around.

 jacket - walmart // dress - vintage // shoes - hand me down // earrings - walmart // ring - hand me down

How do you like to style vintage?