Re-Styling Dresses+Sweet Sixteen Recap

Two weeks ago I had my sweet sixteen party. For a long time wasn't sure whether or not I wanted to have one, but in the end I did and it was a lot of fun! For my birthday my sister bought me a dress that I ended up wearing for my birthday party, and I thought I would show ya'll how I wear a dress two ways and also, for those of you who are interested, a recap of my birthday party!

Our pear tree needed picking, and I can't believe how incredibly blessed I am to have friends who are willing to pause a birthday party and help out with yard work. Having all of them pitching in made it so much more fun and it went 10x faster. 

I love setting off paper lanterns, and even when I had no idea what I was doing for my party I knew I wanted there to be be paper lanterns there. Turns out I'm a genius because setting them off was so crazy fun. 

group phootoooooooooooo

And of course there's gotta be a picture of the food. 

I love this dress because it's a Summer dress but can so easily be layered for Fall, and it can be dressed up or down just like that *snaps fingers*. It's basically a perfect LBD.

cardigan - target // dress - charmin charlie // tights - target // shoes - famous footwear // nail polish - sinful colors you goji

How would you style this dress? What's your most memorable or favorite birthday?


  1. I'm glad to see a post from you! I love LBDs!

  2. It looks like you had a fun party! I like the decor, and your beautiful hairdo makes a lovely crown! What a sweet time to remember.
    One of my favorite birthday (or parties, rather) was my 18th birthday. I had a sophisticated 60's party and wore my own LBD; all of my friends dressed up too. :)

    1. Thank you so much, Paige! A 60's theme sounds like such a great idea for a party and so fun!

  3. OH MY GOSH. You are so dang adorable! Obsessed with your LBD (I'm looking for my perfect LBD currently) and the outfit you put together. Those tights are to die for!

    Oh, and happy late birthday. Hope it was as lovely as you! ♥

    1. Oh dear, you are just so sweet! Thank you!

  4. This outfit is so cute! Mustard+oxfords+LBD=perfection.

  5. this outfit is so cute! I love it, and the background is perfect :)
    Great pictures
    XOXO Johanna from Germany

  6. Your outfit is too cute- love the mustard yellow!


    1. Thanks! I love that color too. :)
