When February Comes Around...

1. I've recently gotten back into letter writing and I don't know why I ever stopped! There's something so satisfying about writing a letter to a friend rather than just a quick text to say hello. It's so much more meaningful. Snail mail is the way to go. :)

2. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays, which is funny because I've never had a boyfriend to spend the day with. Instead, I spend it with a bunch of my girlfriends, having a girls night out and then a sleepover watching chick flicks and eating junk food. I love dressing up in valentine's themed outfits, with red + pink + purple, aaaannnd of course hearts everywhere. Plus those candy hearts are my favorite things ever. Seriously, I cannot stop eating them.

3. We went to Winter Jam this month! Even though I only liked a couple of the bands there this year, I still enjoyed going with family and friends. Waiting in line and eating snacks, walking around the venue during my not-so-favorite bands and looking for people we know, singing as loud as I can- these things are always fun.

4. Lately I've been obsessed with documentaries. Netflix has a ton of great ones! I always find them interesting and, a lot of the time, inspiring. I also always feel like I'm learning something. Watching The Truth Behind; Bigfoot may not be the most educational or inspiring thing to do... But that's all in the eye of the beholder, right?

What did you do this month?


  1. Great post Ashley! There's something beautiful about letter writing especially in this day and age. Also, I am on the same boat with you on the spirit of Valentine's Day! ;)

    -Blaze Ann

    1. Thank you, dear! I agree, letter writing is so underrated these days.

  2. Haha, I laughed at the candy hearts part. I'm more of a chocolate girl, but I'm glad they bring you so much joy. :)
    Snail mail is the best! It's so much fun to get an actual letter instead of just junk mail.


    1. I love chocolate too! I know, I get so excited when I see that something came for me in the mail. :)

  3. Fun post Ashley! Valentine's Day can totally be fun, even without a significant other. Gotta love dressing up in those girly outfits. ;) It's also great that you watch shows that involve learning as well as entertainment. :)
    This January I started a new job, was in a wedding, and have kept on practicing my dulcimer! It's been exciting and challenging.

    1. Thanks Paige! Sounds like you had an exciting month!
