5 things to do when you're not feeling well

We all have those days where we feel lazy, bored, stressed, tired, grumpy... the list goes on and on. I know I have my fair share of them, and I must say that they are no fun. When the inevitable happens and one of these bad days come around, these 5 things help to get me feeling on top again.

1. Get dressed up. I find that when I'm in my pajamas all day or when I'm just not really trying too hard with my outfit, I will feel lazy and tired. But if I get dressed I will have a much better outlook on life in general. I feel how I dress, I suppose- If I'm dressed nice I'll feel nice, if I'm dressed lazy I'll feel lazy.

2. Get active. Do some stretches, play around with a jump rope, dance around your house to good music. I've heard that being active actually improves your mood. I would say it's worth a try!

3. Take a shower or a bath. I find that showers and baths are both very relaxing in different ways. Showers are great if you want to think, and baths are great if you want to read or relax for a while. Plus, either way you come out clean and yummy smelling and who doesn't love that?

4. Take some 'you' time. If you've been overworked or had a particularly stressful week, it's important to take some time and relax. Pamper yourself. Do your nails or your makeup. Has a book been sitting on your bedside table? Read it. Movie you've been wanting to watch? Go ahead and watch it!

5. Do something. Pampering can be a lot of fun and feel awesome, but being productive has its place too. Finishing a project or being able to check something off of that days to do list can give you a wonderul sense of accomplishment. Besides, it doesn't have to be all work and no play- blast your favorite tunes, grab a snack, and get down to business! (I have Mulan stuck in my head now.)


  1. Great tips Ashley! :) I especially like 1 and 2. Enjoy your weekend my friend!

  2. Super amazing tips. :) I love doing these, but often forget to when I'm caught up in the crazyness of life! Thanks for the reminder, sweet girl.

    1. I know! It's so easy to forget to take care of oneself. :)

  3. Such great tips! And I certainly struggle with boredom over the summer.

  4. Yay! These are such great tips! And totally agree: Getting dressed up definitely puts me in a more productive mood!

    1. Thanks! It really helps, doesn't it?
