This Week

Hey everybody! I hope you all had a good week. This week I helped out with a VBS with my youth group. It was a lot of work and early mornings, but so so fun also! It was a great learning experience.

I taught Bible with two other people from my youth group. We had three different age groups, and then we split those into three groups, so we each had groups of about 6 to teach. I was so nervous about teaching Bible. I didn't even have to write the lessons, someone else did that, but I knew that for some of these kids it would be the first time they heard the gospel; that's a lot of pressure! I just had to do what I could and pray that God would do the rest. There were one or two kids who seemed very interested in what I was teaching them and asked a lot of questions, but they just didn't understand it fully and I didn't know how to get across to them properly! I pray that our VBS left some kind of impression on them!

There was one dear girl who was so affectionate. She loved hugs and being held, and if she saw another kid on my lap she would start crying. Not even throwing a fit- she just would seem so hurt. That breaks my heart, because I don't know her home situation and I don't know who's going to show her God's love now that VBS is over.

I also got to know my youth group better. We've known each other for a long time, but for a few of them I've never really crossed that threshold to friendship. Now I feel closer to many of them. It was truly a great experience and I'm so glad I was able to do it!

What did you do this week?


  1. That sounds so exciting! What age group did you get to teach?

    ❤ Blaze Ann

    1. It was awesome! I had three groups a day, each a different age group. :)

  2. Aww this is so great! Our VBS begins tomorrow and I'm hoping it will be an amazing week!

    1. Thanks Kryn! Hope have an awesome VBS. :)
