Father's Day Ideas

Awhile ago I did a post on things to do with your mom on Mother's day, and I thought it would be only fair to do another post on things you can do with your dad! My daddy is amazing and deserves a super special day, and if your dad is anything like mine I bet you want to make his day amazing too. So, here are some ways you can do that!

1. Take him out to the ballgame...
...Take him out to the crowd... Okay, I'm done singing now. But seriously, going to a baseball game or his preferred sporting event would be a seriously fun way to spend the day! If you don't know the sport well I bet he would love to explain it to you and love that you're taking an interest! When I started showing an interest in baseball he was really happy and I was happy that we had something we could bond over. So if you do know the sport you two will have a great time talking about the game!

2. Make him food
It's no secret that guys like to eat. So for Fathers Day dinner make him something special, maybe something that you guys wouldn't normally have. He'll love it and you'll get to enjoy it too! It's a win-win situation!

3. Go go-carting
...or bowling, or paint-balling, or laser-tagging... You get the idea. My dad works really hard to provide for our family and I know he would love to just take a day and do something FUN! He doesn't get to just have fun that often and if your dad is at all the same way I think he'll love this idea too. Decide what to do based on what you know he'll enjoy- I'm sure you can think of something, you know your dad better than I do! Whatever it is, I bet it will be something you'll both enjoy, and you're daughterly duties will be fulfilled. Boom, there you go.

4. Take him clothes shopping
Guys don't get the opportunity to do this often, and instead of buying him something that you really have no idea whether he'll like or if it'll fit (just being real here) take him to a store and let him pick some things! Shopping is your expertise and he knows that and will probably be honored to be a part of that.
While this is true for every suggestion in this post, I feel the need to say for this one that not all dad's will like this idea, just use your judgement. Like I said, you know your dad better than I do. :)

5. Day trip
There are probably a ton of things in your area or within driving distance that you guys never really get the chance to see. Well, now is the time! Take a day and go somewhere where you don't know your way around, but google first so I have a few things in mind that you'd like to see. It'll basically be like a regular vacation just close to home. You and your dad will have TONS of fun walking around a new city and just spending time together.

I hope some of these ideas will help you to give your dad the best Father's Day ever!

xoxo, Ashley


  1. Great ideas, Ashley. Hope you and your dad have a good Father's Day together. :)
