That number already feels so familiar to me- to be honest sometimes I would almost write that year on my papers when it was 2014. I would have to remind myself that it was still 2014- Time wasn't moving as fast as it felt, I guess.

And yet, time flies. Christmas has come and gone, and now New Years has passed as well.

On New Years Eve my sister and I had a few girl friends over and we had a party of sorts. Some friends who live out of town were thinking about coming, but unfortunately they came down with the flu.

I'm not normally one for making resolutions. Last year I made some but I only really accomplished a few of them, and I know that this year would probably be the same. I usually say something along the lines of, 'I have an entire year to do it. It will be fine,' sometimes knowing that I'm only kidding myself.

However, one thing on last year's list was to make two new friends who lived near me. I would say that I did that- Really, I turned acquaintances into friends, but it counts. :) But that's about as far as my accomplishments of last year goes. I was going to do things like donate food, read the entire bible, ect., but they never happened. I don't read my bible nearly enough, and when I do, it feels like a chore. I don't want it to feel like a chore.

So this year I've decided not to try to make any resolutions. I'd rather just try to be a better person in general. I don't like being held to a list because we never know what's going to happen and where life is going to take us, and something may become a priority that's not on the list. On the other hand, sometimes lists can help us to stay on track when we're trying to reach a goal that is important to us.

So, what do you think? Do you make resolutions? If so, what are they?


  1. I haven't made any resolutions really, expect to read my Bible more. I'm agree that sometimes it feels like a chore and that's not what I want.
    Time does seen to fly- even in the summer I still wrote 2013 as the date! Oops! ;)

    1. Thanks for your comment, Grace! Good luck reading your bible more. :)

  2. I agree with you! :) I have made the goal of reading a total of 100 books this year, writing more letters, and I'd like to spend more time with Jesus in prayer. Happy New Year, girl!

    1. Those sound like great goals! Good luck! Thank you. xx

  3. I decided to read more books (but I would do that despite making a resolution, so it was kind of futile). New Years Resolutions don't tend to last too long, so I almost never make them:)

    1. That's a great resolution- reading is da bomb.

  4. I'm kind of the same-- I don't make resolutions, but I feel like if I want some sort of improvement in my life, I just go on out and try making some sort of generalization (like this year, it's just to spread more positivity) and do things revolving that main thing. :) Hope you have a happy New Year!

    xoxo Morning

    1. That's great, Morning! Thank you.
